Wolfgang's Space
The Eye

Wolfgang's Long-term, Latest-version Vanilla Minecraft Server

Green Concrete is currently offline.

Green Concrete

A long-term Vanilla Minecraft server that stays at the latest released version.

Server-side plugins


For message delivery, of course.


Pre-generates chunks to reduce lag when exploring new areas.


A live-updating map of the server, accessible here or by clicking the map icon above.


In the event of a new version release, ViaVersion allows players to connect to the now-outdated server.

Resource Pack

Uses the 2nd Edition of the Wolfgang Pack

Third-party additions

  1. Horizontal world border
  2. Gold Helmet is now a Golden Crown
  3. Iron Golem flowers are now all red
  4. Wool is softer
  5. Sunflowers are prettier
  6. Ping is colorful
  7. Fences are now fencier