Wolfgang's Space
The Eye

Rosie Rush

Update 2: Diagnosis is a tumor; It has reached her brain.

It’s Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024.

Vet Visit #3

Last Wednesday, Rosie went back to her regular veterinarian for another eye inspection. The results is that the tear on her cornea is healing, but not yet fully healed. Her medication will continue as-is.

AHC Diagnosis: Invasive tumor extending to the brain

Thanks to your help, on Monday, Rosie was able to go to the Animal Health Center for the best possible diagnosis: A CT scan and tissue sampling using fine needle aspiration.


Rosie’s CT scan showed greatest suspicion (89%) that the mass behind her eye is a malignant tumor- cancer.
Blood work showed anemia, which her doctor suspects to be secondary to the cancerous process.

Imaging from her CT scan showed an invasive mass behind her eye that extends towards her brain and into her mouth on the right side.

Tissue Sampling

The aspirate tissue sampling was cancelled due to the risks of irritating lesions present, and causing increased pressure from bleeding or inflammation.
So, as an alternative, it was decided to have her right submandibular lymph node sampled instead, the results of which are still pending.

As-per her doctor’s recommendation, Rosie will remain on an all-wet food diet from now on.

It’s bad.

Because of the fact that the mass has reached her brain, it is too high-risk to surgically remove it.
In addition, I did ask if an eye removal would bring her more comfort– And I was told that even this would be too dangerous as well.
It is in a bad stage.

The only possible supportive treatments are:

  1. Steroids
  2. Radiation therapy
  3. Chemotherapy

I will not be giving Rosie chemotherapy, as I do not feel that she can handle that stress at her age.

Once the results of her lymph node sampling are in, Her next steps will be decided. I will be taking good care of Rosie.

Despite everything, Rosie has high spirits.

Particularly ever since I got her the new inflatable cone, Rosie had been much more active and vibrant recently. She moves more, is sociable and is eating and drinking healthily. I will continue to pamper her.

Wish us both well. We both need support in different ways.

I will continue to keep everybody updated, At least weekly or whenever any news arises.


At the time of writing, we have raised $1415 through GoFundMe, and an additional $360 through other channels.
The total so far: $1775.

While momentum is slowed from the initial wave of support, I am still.

While the original cost for today’s diagnosis was between $1400 and $1700, The billed amount was at the lower end- $1439.30. This puts us within budget for now, which goes towards further healthcare for Rosie down the line.

If you are able to and haven’t done so, please consider donating to Rosie.
All public donors will be enshrined on Rosie’s webpage, too.

If you cannot donate, sharing really does help. Rosie needs all the visibility she can get.

Thank you,
- Wolfgang de Groot and Rosalind “Rosie” Franklin