Wolfgang Green
HEX: #226633
Wolfgang Green is a medium dark shade of green, and Wolfgang’s favorite color.
Color spaces
The color Wolfgang Green is represented in the following color spaces:
Space | ||||
RGB | 34 | 102 | 51 | |
HSL | 0.38 | 0.50 | 0.27 | |
HSV | 135° | 67° | 40° | |
CMYK | 0.67 | 0.00 | 0.50 | 0.60 |
XYZ | 6.0086 | 10.082 | 4.7613 | |
Yxy | 10.082 | 0.2882 | 0.4835 | |
Hunter | 31.752 | -21.787 | 13.336 | |
CIELab | 37.989 | -33.529 | 22.623 |
Closest colors
Wolfgang Green is digitally represented, so physical colors that resemble it are listed below.
The lower the ΔE value, the closer to Wolfgang Green it is.
- Opaltone
OMS 5671
- ΔE = 0.451
- Focoltone
- ΔE = 0.667
- Pantone
P 144-15 C
- ΔE = 0.899
150 40 40
- ΔE = 1.663
- Benjamin Moore
- ΔE = 2.250
- Rust-Oleum
Emerald Green
- ΔE = 2.309
- Ford
Yosemite Green
- ΔE = 2.543
- Dupont
- ΔE = 2.701